Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Calling All Leaders

Calling all leaders. What do you think about when you hear that? Do you think, "Hey, that's me?" Or do you think, "She must be talking about someone else because I'm no leader."
If you are alive and breathing (and you are since you are reading this), then I am definitely talking about you.
Often times we view leadership as a title or position. But it's not. Leadership is influence. Good leaders will gain in influence beyond a position.  So whether or not you think you are a leader, all of us have the opportunity to influence those around us.
Think about it. Have you ever known a teacher or a boss who had the "title" of leader? Then there was that student or employee whom everyone followed. That's who had the influence. Title or no title, that's who the actual leader was.
So whether you are the head of a large corporation, a department lead, a teacher or coach -- you are a leader.
If you are a stay at home mom or a grandmother, you are influencing those children -- you are a leader.
If you are a student or have brothers, sisters, classmates or neighbors -- believe me, they are watching how you live your life -- you are a leader.
If you are an hourly employee with coworkers you see every day, you can influence their lives -- you are a leader.
If you are like my favorite cashier at our small town grocery store, who says, "God bless you" to everyone who goes through her line – you are a leader.
So be like our cashier. Think of the influence she has. I wonder who has come into that grocery store heart broken or hopeless and left with hope because of that sweet cashier.
She on purpose influences and blesses everyone who comes in. My friends, that is influence! That is leadership!
So whether you have the title or not, make a decision today to be intentional with your influence. Answer the call and make a difference in someone's life.

Think About It
  • Who will you come in contact with this week?
  • Who are the people with which you have influence?

Now Do Something About It
  • Take time to make someone's day.
  • Go out of your way to ask someone, "How can I help you?"
  • Meet regularly with a young person, coworker or friend.

“The only thing a title can buy is a little time – either to increase your level of influence with others or erase it.”  --John Maxwell

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