As leaders, if people are our greatest resource -- which they are -- then wouldn't it make sense that adding value to people should be our number one priority?
So what does that mean?
You add value to people when you truly value them. If you don’t value them, then bottom line, you will devalue them.
When you add value to people you are literally increasing their value, worth or importance. You invest in them to become the very best they can be. You do whatever you can to help them achieve what they were placed on this earth to do.
I hear from so many great people from all types of companies how devalued they are. They are unappreciated, underutilized and have leaders who attempt to motivate with fear.
You will shine if you are a leader who values others.
Take time to find out what’s important to them. Help them achieve their goals. Believe in them. Encourage and affirm them. Listen to, care about and love them. Help them grow and impart to them. Ask, “What can I do for you?” “How can I help you?” Then do it!
If you do this, not only will you add value to others, you will become invaluable!
- Who can you add value to? A family member? A friend? A coworker? A fellow student? A team member? A teacher? A boss?
Do Something About It
- This week intentionally add value to someone!
“Leadership isn’t how far we advance ourselves, but how far we advance others” –John Maxwell
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